Metropolitan Opera in Prospect Park

A dark haired man laying on the ground between two blond-haired blue-eyed women sitting in beach chairs speaking Russian

a tall white guy and a thin brown woman with short hair having an awkward conversation in English while sitting on a blanket

a group of eight friends- one young girl, long brown hair and brown eyes with a guy of about the same age and longer wavy hair, blue eyes and glasses- another skinny guy with cool think curly black hair and a bright yellow shirt with his short-haired really cute smiley girlfriend- two girls that arrived later both wearing slim fitting pants and tank tops- another couple- guy with blue eyes, dark hair and a perfect smile and a slim girl with long-hair

an older woman comfortably sitting in her lounge chair while trying to take pictures of her interesting looking dog with a bear-like face

another group of friends- three couples and a man…Italian men, Asian women, all speaking English with cute accents (I know…I took some pictures for them J)

a red-haired young man with a baseball hat reading a book in his beach chair

an extended Latino family- five adults and about 6 children- all beautifully tanned, speaking Spanish

two très chic women- simply dressed, both with short haircuts, one curly, one straight, little makeup, perfect skin, speaking French

an older man, also with a baseball hat, sitting in a tall folding chair

a couple who hesitated longer than most while placing their chairs down, fear of blocking some children’s view…

And sitting in the center of this beautiful diverse mix of people, an enthralled young woman, barefoot and truly happy with an incredible summer evening in New York…..


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